Year Brew
We envision a world where coffee is grown in collaboration with people and nature. The term ‘1000 Year Brew’ describes the philosophy that anchors the longer view in our grassroots action, scientific research and our business model. We operate from a belief that this longer view builds the ground for a grower-led vision for sustainability, one in which biodiversity, local ecosystems and peoples’ well-beings are at the heart.
A 1000 Year Brew also nurtures a more immersive coffee culture for coffee drinkers – a culture that incorporates a fuller notion of flavour.

We aim to use our business, voice, resources and community to fight for a more non-extractive, equitable and sustainable vision for coffee.

A 1000 Year Brew is critical because conventional coffee production has a shockingly poor track record. Coffee plantations have cleared vast tracts of forests in many of the world’s biodiversity hotspots, including in India’s Western Ghats. Intensive use of chemical fertilisers has leached the soil of naturally available nutrients and the use of toxic pesticides have wiped off hugely important creatures like bees and earthworms.
Some of the most vulnerable people in the coffee industry have not benefitted either. Trade has exploited smallholder producers and workers through less than fair market prices for produce and insufficient living wages. While global coffee companies have flourished, smallholder producers have only been further impoverished.
To make matters worse, climate is changing so rapidly that the future of coffee itself is threatened.

However, coffee is not all gloom and doom. We believe that there is huge potential to nurture coffee growing systems that are rooted in people, places and ecologies.
Our coffee is an attempt to do our small bit for the planet.
Learn more about our grassroots work below.
Our Initiatives
As you might have already guessed, we do a whole lot behind the scenes to ensure that each cup of coffee is ultimately kinder to the grower and environment. Much of our grassroots work is co-created with coffee growers and collaborators from various disciplinary worlds. We love building new creative partnerships, so do please reach out if our work resonates with your own.
Grower First Programme
The Grower First Programme is our flagship programme with coffee growing communities. Our practice stems from a belief system that places the experiences of coffee growers at the centre of all processes concerning production and trade. We focus on designing grower-centric farming processes, including aspects of sustainability and biodiversity conservation. We currently work with the most incredible communities of smallholder coffee growers who inspire us everyday to champion their coffees with their level of care and consciousness. Read more about our partner growers below.
From pondering to coffee procurement — navigating self-doubt, power and people’s desires in BRT
read more
You Caffeinate, We Conserve
Our founder, Arshiya Bose is a National Geographic Explorer and has been collaboratively working with the National Geographic Society on a participatory science research project in coffee landscapes in the Western Ghats.
Kaadina Makkalu
ಕಾಡಿನ ಮಕ್ಕಳು (Kaadina Makkalu), translated from Kannada to mean Children of the Forest, is an initiative of Black Baza Coffee’s outreach programme. In this channel, we champion the voices of indigenous communities and smallholder coffee growers. We document and share stories about the forest, peoples’ histories, our coffee farms and the biodiversity with which our coffee shares space. We redefine the format of conventional natural history documentary such that stories about nature and ecological knowledges are shared by indigenous peoples’ themselves rather than by those who take away these stories without due credit.

Grounds of Change
Have you every thought about your coffee’s origins? The hands and land that nurtured the beans?
Our most recent initiative, in collaboration with our friends at Quicksand Design Studio and the Bangalore Sustainability Forum, is an experiment in building empathy and connectedness between coffee growers and coffee drinkers.

Participatory Action Research
As a collective of researchers, we engage in numerous ongoing participatory action-research initiatives. Our research is largely led by community members and stakeholders and we seek to collectively inquire about the social and ecological world around us, understand, transform and reflect on it collaboratively. Our research areas include traditional ecological knowledge, collective norms and institutions for biodiversity-friendly farming, governance of farmer producer organisations and community media. We also study markets and in particular, spaces for meaningful engagement of smallholder farmers and the role of voluntary regulatory systems, such as certifications in shifting power structures and farming practices. Read more about our research here.
About Us
Black Baza Coffee Co. is an interdisciplinary specialty coffee roastery. We facilitate meaningful and empowered market experiences for smallholder coffee growers. Our grassroots work builds on traditional ecological knowledge and strengthens farming practices that conserve biodiversity and local ecosystems. Our philosophy imbibes the spirit of interconnectedness and we engage with coffee drinkers to explore empathetic and engaged relationships between producer and consumer and ultimately, a fuller notion of flavour.